Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Entry #10 Homework Rational

The purpose of homework:
Homework can have many effective purposes; it can be to practice, to review, to apply, to prepare or to extend (Hill & Flynn, 2006). In order for homework to be useful, teachers must have one of the above said purposes in mind. Although these are the best reasons to assign homework, another practical and perhaps widely used purpose of homework is for students to finish work. If books are available to students at home, many times, high school teachers will assign reading in order to get through the entire curriculum for the year. Though this is a practical use of homework it does not help ELLs with the necessary scaffolding as they may have to use skills in the reading that they do not yet have (Hill & Flynn, 2006).

How long should it take?
I have heard it said of elementary school teachers that homework should take no longer than 10min. per grade level. For example, a third-grader would have no more than 30 min. of homework per night. I know some kindergarteners who are assigned homework each week and it is up to the parents to decide how/when to plan out the work for the week. A problem arises for ELLs and other studnets when parents are not available help students with their homework. In my experience in high school, often one hour of homework is assigned per core class. This homework is not always assigned every night and many schools have block schedules where students will meet with each class every other day.

What makes homework meaningful?
Meaningful homework is purposeful and useful as well as that in which the skills used are for practice and elaboration (Hill & Flynn, 2006).Homework should also be integrated into the next-day's lesson as well as given appropriate and timely feedback (Hill & Flynn, 2006). This insures that students, parents and teacher know how the student is doing. At times it is appropriate for students to interact with their parents/guardians in order to complete their homework but, for the most part, homework should be a task that students can accomplish on their own (Hill & Flynn, 2006). 

Role of Technology in homework:
Using technology can ease the paper load of the teacher, give students an opportunity for authentic learning and help with student motivation (Hill & Flynn, 2006). Computer-based programs work if all students have access to a computer, blogs work great for secondary students. Whether it is at home, the library or at school, the use of technology is important for students to know and be able to do as they progress in 21st century skills and standards.

Hill, J., & Flynn, K.M. (2006). Classroom instruction that works with English language learners. Alexandria, VI: ASCD.

Entry #9 Using Technology to Support ELLs

Useful Resources for Teachers of ELLs

More websites for teaching ELLs

Bilingual Website for resources in CO

Teacher resources/research

Printable Materials for Teachers

Useful Resources for ELL Students

Useable classroom/homework resources by topic


Online Translators

Pocket Dictionary/Translators

Audio Books/ EReaders

Storyline: Listen to a story on the phone Denver-Metro Area
Call 303-840-2073

Call 720-865-8500

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Entry #8 Running Record/Miscue Analysis

A running record was conducted on a second grade ELL with Spanish as her native language. Of 37 total words, she made 2 errors related to meaning, 2 errors related to syntax, and 2 errors related to visual cues.  I found it interesting that she made the same amount of miscues in all three areas. Although I could hear her Spanish accent in the intonation of her voice at times appropriate to Spanish and not necessarily English, her errors were not necessarily related to Spanish being her native language.

The two errors in meaning were corrected when the student was asked to sound out the first letters of the word; she was able to produce both beginning sounds correctly.
The two errors in syntax came at the end of the sentence, next to the end punctuation.
The two errors in visual cues were words next to each other that were mixed up, but not in the usual way of her first language, Spanish.

The next teaching points should involve practicing fluency. She used correct inflection on 1 of 2 question marks and it sounded like a couple of sentences with periods were left out. One of the problems might have been that the passage was set up like a 7 lined poem. Next lessons could involve poetry and fluency and what the beginning and end of lines sound like. Because her reading was slow, it might have influenced her comprehension.

Strategies for next steps might include modeling fluency and perhaps audio versions of the reading. She could read along as the audio read aloud. Activities before, during and after reading would be helpful. Activities such as predicting from the title, sequencing illustrations, and summarizing (Gibbons, 2002) in order to activate prior knowledge and gain comprehension. She would also benefit from learning text structure and the nature of poetry. She could use an advanced organizer with a non-linguistic representations for the vocabulary in the passage (Hill & Flynn, 2006).

Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding language, scaffolding learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Hill, J., & Flynn, K.M. (2006). Classroom instruction that works with English language learners. Alexandria, VI: ASCD.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Entry #7 The History of 5 English Words

The History of 5 English Words
Online Oxford English Dictionary

1. Evolved from Old English, Latin, Greek, Dutch, German, Swedish, Irosn, Welsh & Russian

2. Pronunciation/Spelling
            Old English- scole
            Middle English-skule
            Modern English- school

3. Clues for Spelling today- Middle Dutch= schole, Frisian skoalle


  1. Evolved from Greek, Hebrew, Latin, French, Italian, & Dutch.
  1. Pronunciation/ Spelling
Old English- Eastre
Middle English-Esterne
Modern English-

  1. Clues for Spelling today- from goddess, Eostre, celebrated at equinox


  1. Evolved from Ancient Greek Meta= together with
  1. Pronunciation/Spelling
Old English-meta
            Middle English-meta
            Modern English-meta
  1. Clues for Spelling Today- French, German meta
  1. Evolved from Latin cognitive
  2. Pronunciation/Spelling
Modern English-1586 cognitiue

  1. Clues for Spelling today, From Greek- cognitive


  1. Evolved from Old English, Old Saxon, Old High Germanic
  1. Pronunciation/Spelling
Old English- leornian
Middle English- learne
Modern English-learn

  1. Clues for Spelling Today- lierne, leryn. lurne

  1. Evolved from Old Frisian, Middle Dutch
  1. Pronunciation/Spelling
Old English-reord
Middle English-rede
Modern English-read

       3. Clues for Spelling Today-
            Dutch- raden
            Germanic- riddle
            Scots- reid