Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Entry # 6 Two Major Theories of Teaching Langauge

Learning/Word Recognition View 
(Freeman & Freeman, 2004)

Philosophy: People need to learn specific skill sets in order to learn language

Goal of Reading: to identify words

Method of Reading: recoding- go from learning written language to learning oral language

Reading in the Classroom:
Students spend time reading aloud
to practice learning difficult words. Vocabulary is often front-loaded.

Goal of Writing:
To learn to produce good writing

Method of Writing:
Build from part to whole
Focus on form and conventions
Teacher corrects all errors

Acquisition/Sociopsycholinguistics View
(Freeman & Freeman, 2004)

Philosophy: People learn language by acquiring language

Goal of Reading: to construct meaning

Method of Reading- use all cuing systems including: graphophonics, background knowledge, syntax clues, and semantics.

Reading in the Classroom:
Students are given much time to read silently as they practice strategies in order to improve comprehension. Vocabulary is learned through the context of reading.

Goal of Writing
To learn the writing process

Method of Writing:
Begin with content and learn skills for writing
Convention follows invention
All members review and edit drafts
Freeman, D.E., & Freeman, Y.S. (2004). Essential linguistics: What you need to know to teach. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

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